Birds of a Feather explores the lasting effects of growing up with unhealthy parenting. Each episode features a guest to discuss and share their experiences related to unhealthy parenting, ranging from a licensed therapist to an actual parent themselves. Many children grow up to be adults with parenting wounds...but they are not alone, and this podcast highlights not only that, but the ramifications of unhealthy parenting as a whole.
Episode 1: In this episode we hear from a licensed therapist, who explains the effects that unhealthy parenting can have on children's brains and development.
Episode 2: This episode we'll hear someone's first hand experience of growing up with an absent parent.
Episode 3: In this episode, we dive into what it's like being raised by an emotionally immature parent.
Episode 4: A guest describes their parenting experience as a by-product of unhealthy parenting themselves.
Episode 5: This episode we discuss what it's like to remove unhealthy parents from your life.
Episode 6: In this week’s episode, we discuss how to move forward from unhealthy parenting to create a better future.